Denotation and Connotations


Denotation: I can see that the colours they have used are white for the text and the brand is blue and white.

Connotation: It looks like they are in a very hot place, like for example Africa. The persons face looks like as if they are depressed and very tired.

Analysis: As we can see in the background their is the building behind looks like it's not made out of bricks and it looks like it's made out of sand and it's not very stable, as we can see here with all the cracks.

Denotation: I can see lot's of brightness from this advert, and it's quite creative. Also they have put the name of their cereal in like kind of a chocolatey form to make viewer's think it's nice and chocolatey.

Connotation: The use of the colour yellow is a way of seeing happiness, sun and flowers.

Analysis: As we can see here from the splatted white on top of the name, it shows us that it's milk and they made it in a quite funny, shiny way. Also at the top you can see it says victim D, so this type of cereal is healthy.



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