Stranger things analysis

 Costume:  At the start of the clip, there was this man who was a scientists and he wearing a white piece of clothing that normal type of scientists wear. Also the kids were wearing quite old fashion clothing.

Lighting: At the start, the lights were flickering, when the scientist was running away from this creature. The lighting was very gloomy and dark which makes the scene very scary. As we got more into the film, it got more and more smokier. This helps the film to be more scary because your vision gets harder to see. 

Actor placement and movement: The movement was very fast paced throughout the clip. 

 Props: The props they used in this scene was guns and bikes and the board game for whatever the kids were playing. The gun that the kid was loading to shoot made the scene look more tense for the audience. It made the audience more intrigued.   

Setting: The place that it was set in made the scene look intense and intriguing. It was dark and gloomy. The setting is really important, and this scene had the perfect place. Also the forest was a really frightening place as we saw the tall trees, and the smoke.


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